OK, It IS sideways, but it's till a GREAT tatoo!!!

The road less traveled. A phrase often used, but how often do you actually exit the freeway, pull out the map, take the extra time, and follow the back roads? On my return from the Tri-Cities yesterday, I cut off the interstate, and headed for the open roads, exploring little towns along the way. From Lind (a town with no services that you would want to stop at, quiet, small, run down) I headed north to Odessa, where I found my gas tank on empty and again, could not find an open gas station. After driving all through town, each main street lined with green lawns and well cared for houses, I stopped to ask a woman painting her steps if she knew of an open gas station. As a new resident to the town, she didn’t know, but told me to walk across the street and ask the couple that seem to know everything. The woman swung the door open and greeted me like we’ve know each other for years…. Small town America…. And of course she had a solution for me. Old gas pumps but a Credit card reader mounted to the wall of the Grange.
I Proceeded North, cut East for a bit to Harrington, North to Davenport, East to Reardan, North through Ford, Springdale, Valley, and Chewelah, where I headed East over Flowery Trail, where, reaching the peak, you’ll find 49* North Ski area. Down the mountain, through Usk, across the Pend Oreille River, and home. All in all it took a little over two additional hours to get home, but well worth it.
I find such beauty in old dilapidated structures...
Heading into Odessa
Where the hell am I and what was I thinking?
Coffeepot Lake between Odessa and Harrington... rather unexpected find.
Harrington, Washington
I turned around to look at a quaint farm as I passed, to find the most amazing sunset. Of course I had to stop… I can’t describe it… you’ll have to settle for “a picture is worth a thousand words”.