Home and Back…. Well, getting there…..
I headed back to St. Louis for a couple of weeks, which turned into more than four weeks. Stuck in the midst of City drama and more than I ever really wanted to have to deal with. But it was good to see my ol’ friends, and meet some new ones.
So, where am I now? Nebraska. Two hours or so from the Wyoming border, sitting at a starbucks that doesn’t have wireless internet… go figure… it’s a new store, and that didn’t seem to be a priority for them.
My friend Pete drove to St.Louis from Sacramento, California, with his truck to pull ‘Ralph’, my second Airstream that’s been sitting in St. Louis for years, after a disasterous rehab job. Long story that I don’t want to rehash… J We packed it full of most of the stuff I have in storage and pullin it all back Home to Newport. With…. Mom too.
Mom wanted to come to Newport to enjoy the holidays with snow. So, she has her car too, our own lil’ caravan.
Off to a mess of a start…. Sleeping late, getting a slower start, pulling over three and a half miles from home because the latch on the airstream broke, and the door was bending open against the wind. Soooo… Dad met up with us, we rigged the darn thing shut, while mom and Pete had lunch.
Time to hit the road again!!! WOOHOO…. Newport, HERE WE COME!!!!>..
Oh, wait…. Mom locked the keys in the car. Back to the house to get dad’s set of keys.
After an exhausting start, we stopped for the night, north of Kansas City, in St.Joseph,… yes, that’s right, we didn’t even make it out of Missouri on the first day.
So, here we are, some 600 miles, give or take a few, in Nebraska. Walkin down here, in the midst of hunters everywhere, occupying most of the rooms in this town, I walked over a bridge of a small stream, and there, next to it, a huge deer, with one heck of a rack on it…. After a bit, he walked off, and as I turned to leave, two beavers swam up to the sand bar. I stood there in the cold for what must have been a half hour watching animals at play in nature….. and wondered if that poor deer would make it through another day.
So, that’s about it, hopefully I’ll find internet so I can post this from ‘word’ to the blog, and include a few pictures. So, stay tuned for more adventures!!!
first time i've had internet connection, here in Livingston Montana..... will have to post pictures after we arrive in Newport tonight.