OK, really I'm just embarassing myself here.
Norm, Myself, and Andy
at the nations very first, ok second viewing of the
"sing along sound of music"
(this is so gay....LOL)
We were the Alps, and VERY popular....
On stage at the Fabulous Fox theater
This is Fraulein Barbie, also know an Maria Von Barbie, These pictures make me laugh and cringe all at the same time.
The weird things i did with Barbie...OK, this was the cover to my housewarming invitation.
This was the idea for the back of the invite, can't find the actual back, but it wasn't this 'dirty'
THIS, now THIS makes me worry about my sanity, and that of my ex who was doing it with me.
These are Circus Barbies....
Have no fear, I've packed up my barbies..... for now....LOL

18 was a bad hair year for me...LOL
My sister and Possum's kittens....
This one was stolen from my friends Myspace account... This is an ol' friend from Highschool, Nicole, pic taken in Maraccesh (sp?)
with a ? camel ?

Back when i was workin for Olan Mills Portrait Photography.
We just sold a big pic, it was a big deal... found that shirt in the closet of an apartment i just moved into...
What was i Thinkin?

Oh, Meet lil' Percy, the squirrel my sister and I raised....

Once again, what was i thinkin'?
Junior Prom
Kim AND April as my dates, and my tux shirt Tie-dyed purple.....
What was I thinkin'?

This was recently sent to me by my ol' pal Raz' mommies. He was my stray rescue dog that fell in love with the women that lived accross the alley in the city. Since he moved in with them, they all (too) moved to the country. He's very happy now.