Leaving Mom's tonight, i encountered and almost ran into this big guy.... I've been waiting a long time to see a moose with a rack... What a beauty.!!!!

In reply to an email i sent out with these photos, My buddy Joe sent me this back, I HAD to share it....
Love me some moose! Used to have meese all the time in Norway. They would routinely scare the shit out of me and the dog on our walks down to the river. I even had a moose rider on my car insurance, since there are 2000 moose deaths a year on Norwegian roads. Important safety tip: if you are about to run up on a moose like that again and you're probably going to hit it, aim for its ass. Why? Because a moose will never back up or turn around; when startled it will only run straight ahead. You'll minimize damage by swerving toward where it is moving FROM.
Moose is delicious. Never turn down a gift of moose for the freezer. Or at least don't drive off from the carcass you just killed on the road, assuming your car isn't totaled...
Moose is delicious. Never turn down a gift of moose for the freezer. Or at least don't drive off from the carcass you just killed on the road, assuming your car isn't totaled...
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