I officially Resolve to attempt the following:
- Take a week a month off Facebook - I'm a FB ADDICT !!! Since i left the bar scene it's become my social network. But my blog, photography (organization, and posting on Flickr etc, have gone to hell because of it... Not to mention every other thing that gets left out because i'm playing on line)
- Read more. I have trouble reading at home, oddly, because there are too many other distractions. Things to do, dishes, laundry, clean... the internet... I read mostly at work and while waiting in public places. I have a few good books sitting here, and a few i'd like to re-read (The Story of Edgar Sawtelle, A River Runs Through It, for starters....)
- Apple A Day - I'm seriously bad about eating fruits and veggies. I've integrated veggies in my diet, but i'm gonna eat more fruit. Love apples, raisins, and bananas... so WHY have i not been eating more?
- Soda only on weekends - Diet Coke Addict! I will drink less. I feel so much better when i go without... Just need to remind myself... Drink more water... (boring)
- Photography !!! - Educate, and invest.... Too many good pictures going to waste. This is my future!
- Sell off all my crap - Two Airstreams, and a few boxes of crap i just don't need. Keeping it simple.
- Better posture - Not sure if this is something i can fix, but my posture SUCKS... I slouch ... Terribly so. Must fix this. Don't want to be old and hunchbacked.
- not use excited gay voice - can a man change his voice? I have my 'first impression' voice, and my "excited hyperactive gay"... I don't like that voice... I need to focus on keepin' the octaves down... (it's not like i open my mouth and a purse falls out... but it's not what you'd expect from a tall big mustached man.... ) (jus' sayin)
- Meet My PCL - and Hand deliver a Post Card to his hot little hands... Palm Springs.. .You're not that far away
- PUERTA VALLARTA ! - (or at least back to Vancouver B.C.) Spend some time with Lorne basking in the sun on his veranda, good conversation, and lots and lots of photography... With two countries to choose from how can i go wrong, Eh?
- start saving for and planning PCT hike... I want to through hike the Pacific Crest Trail... all 2650 miles of it.... Whether it takes a year or ten years to plan,... I'm going to do this. Taking six months off and having the cash needed for worn out boots and broke down gear will be interesting. (For you doubters out there... those who have completed the journey have ranged from experts to complete beginners.)
"Zigzagging its way from Mexico to Canada through California, Oregon and Washington the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) boasts the greatest elevation changes of any of America's National Scenic Trails, allowing it to pass through six out of seven of North America's ecozones including high and low desert, old-growth forest and artic-alpine country. Indeed, the PCT is a trail of diversity and extremes. From scorching desert valleys in Southern California to rain forests in the Pacific Northwest, the PCT offers hikers and equestrians a unique, varied experience." - PCT Association Overview
"Q. How much will it cost to thru-hike the PCT, and how long will it take?
A. A typical hiker wears or carries $1,500 to $3,000 worth of equipment, spends $800 to $2,000 for trail food and posting boxes, add $500 to $1,000 for restaurant binges, junk food, and motels at re-supply points, add $500 for replacement boots, clothes, and other gear, add travel costs to and from the trail and that should just about do it. You can cut the cost of gear/clothes/and food drastically if you are willing to make up your own. Most thru-hikers complete the 2,650 trail miles in 5 to 6 months that means averaging 20 or more miles a day for days actually hiked."
Roughly only 60% of the 300 that attempt to thru-hike each year complete the journey.
"Q. How much will it cost to thru-hike the PCT, and how long will it take?
A. A typical hiker wears or carries $1,500 to $3,000 worth of equipment, spends $800 to $2,000 for trail food and posting boxes, add $500 to $1,000 for restaurant binges, junk food, and motels at re-supply points, add $500 for replacement boots, clothes, and other gear, add travel costs to and from the trail and that should just about do it. You can cut the cost of gear/clothes/and food drastically if you are willing to make up your own. Most thru-hikers complete the 2,650 trail miles in 5 to 6 months that means averaging 20 or more miles a day for days actually hiked."
Roughly only 60% of the 300 that attempt to thru-hike each year complete the journey.
I will NOT be giving up my Oreo Double Stuffs...
Not a chance....
I've given up enough already. So what if i down an entire package in a day... I LOVE THEM AND THEY LOVE ME !!!... Ok, that may be a bit off... but a boy can pretend right... It's the only real love affair i have :-(
Sounds like an ambitious year BUT I don't see anything about visiting Canada or Mexico - WTF?
Best wishes.
Look Again.... It must be age...heheee
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