Well, it's been a busy weekend, so I haven't had much time to spend on the computer. I started my job at the bar this weekend, which I will touch on later, but being up all night has completely screwed up my sleeping schedule.
Thanksgiving ended up being much nicer than expected. I finally broke down and took my friend Nick from Spokane up on an invitation to his parents house, here in Newport. Dinner was at three, and I drove out to a nice house set back off of the road, surrounded by pines, and Massive, and I mean MASSIVE granite structures coming out of the ground. His family was wonderfully accepting of this new guy intruding on their family day. Nick's two sisters, in their early twenties, and one of them's boyfriends. Dinner was great.... yes, I said great.... The Turkey was moist, the pork was delicious, and stuffing... Oh, how I love stuffing. I did squish the mashed potatoes around my plate to make it look fuller. I just don't eat much these days, and I didn't want to get harrassed about not eating enough. I even went back for seconds. We watched Miracle on 34th street during dinner, then after dinner, a mini marshmallow fight broke out between everyone, but Nick's dad. Who didn't think it to be quite as funny as we all did. I tried to sit there, and be the proper guest, but when Nicks mom threw one at me, it was all over with the niceties. Nick's nephew, of 18 months found it fun, whenever one landed near him, he ate it.... I know, sounds jouvenile, but it was family fun, and everyone should let their inner child loose from time to time. Later in the evening we plaid a DVD game called shout. It's too much to explain, but much fun.
During the course of the evening, we were visited by a deer and her two fawns. They put Alfalfa out for them, and they came over several, a couple hundred feet from the house, to eat. They would scare, run off, and later come back. It was interesting watching the mother. She was on constaint guard, her ears perked up, continually watching, and listening, while the children filled their stomachs. Coyotes are plentiful here, and as often as they ran, there were may have been one present.
Coyotes are really amazing at night, Their calls almost sound like screams in the night, that can be heard from far distances. It's eary, but exciting.
As for my first day of work. It was VERY slow, but fun..... to get away from the door, I clear the second floor, bar, and dance floor of empty glasses, etc. Sounds dull, but it's fun to get around and see people. Nothing really happened on Friday. I worked with Edward, and some of my friends kept me company.

Now Saturday was more exciting. We were much busier, and I watched as people barely made it down the stairs, and yes, even fell up the stairs. It's rather interesting to watch people drunk at the bar. Friday, I arrived at 3 p.m. to do some side work constructing a platform for an ice machine, but my shift didn't start until 8:15. The night ended around 4:15, when I headed over to the bar owners house, and crashed on the couch, so I didn't have to drive home, then return at 3:00 to finish the platform, and deconstruct the trees. Unfortunately I was up at 11:00, so I didn't get too much sleep. It's hard to sleep during the day. I went to lunch, then headed to Nicks where we watched the first episodes of the Muppet Show. It's amazing to see how far they have come. Miss Piggy was just a plain ol' pig, and not so much a major star of the show. And did you know that the original Kermit was made from one of Jim Henson's mom's coats?? He was described, not as a frog, but a 'lizard like' character. Who Knew? Then back to the bar at 3.

Later into Saturday night, the bar manager came to get me, and told me I was going to get to kick out my first patron. It turned out to be the ol' drunk that fell up the stairs. It was easy going, and not nearly as exciting as I had anticipated.
Now, I have to explain something odd about the bars here. They close at 1:45, at which point we herd the patrons to the second floor. All open containers, be it alcohol, or water bottles, have to be collected on both floors, before the bartender on the second floor can start serving water and sodas. It's a nice chance for people to dance off some of what they've been drinking, and believe it or not, most people stay until 3 or 3:30. Well, just as we started serving sodas, etc on the second floor, a heard a scream from behind me. I still don't know the difference between a drunken scream, and an emergency, but the bartender yelled for me, pointed at the womens bathroom, so, I bolted to the hallway, where I found some ten or so girls yelling, screaming, and holding back a girl. The other girl, obviously involved was standing there with her 'weave' in her hand. Both had gashes in their face. It was a whirlwind, but I escorted each one, seperately, down the stairs, out the door, and politely explained that they need not come back to the bar. Quite frankly, it was AWESOME!!!! There were several other instances, but not much to speak of. So, that was my first weekend at the bar. I can't wait to go back again on friday. Although getting back to Newport at 6:30 in the morning kind of stinks.
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