Driving up to the Bead Lake Trail Head was great!!

One of these fish is not like the other.... it's still alive!
A sad but interesting thing about the fish at Bead Lake. They're freshwater descendants of the Salmon. At Four years of age, they spawn then die. I was distressed by the dozens of dead fish on the edge of the lake, they lack tail fins, and a couple (the bottom left fish with the redish color) were still clinging to life.

As Matt and I stood photographing this scerene beauty, a Bald Eagle flew from the trees on the left. It was extraordinary!!! I have a picture, but the eagle is so small, you'd never believe it was there.

Bead Lake is the Bluest of Blue bodies of water I have ever seen. The water is clear enough to see right to the bottom in some of the deepest areas. If I could cram another picture in this post, I have a photo from this very point in the summer, that you would convince you to buy a ticket to visit tomorrow.

The trail that We stand on comes right out of this opening in the woods, aprox. one mile into the hike around the Lake

Matt held on for dear life and missed most of this scenery.
It was a dead straight drop down off the side of the very thin one lane road.
So, these pics are you you, bud, since you missed most of it.


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