The problem may be for my favorite spot here in town, Kelly's. Since we are on the border of Idaho, literaly a couple of blocks away, there are four other bars that people can still smoke at. I haven't had the opportunity to find out if it's a problem yet, but, I imagine it will be for a while. On Thursday, when I stopped in for dinner, the owner of Kelly's was at the competition, smoking...LOL...
Today I start a real job. Mon-Thurs, ten hour shifts, 3:30 until 2: a.m. a whopping $9.00/hr. sounds crappy, but at least it works well with my Dempseys job. I'll be working at a planing mill, and finger joint mill, where they join wood... you know... Ok, so I still have to figure that out too, but I guess by this evening I will be well on my way to understanding. It's still a lumber mill, so that's what I had in mind for work when I first moved here. I'm thrilled actually. So, now Sunday will be my only free night. After not working a fourty hour work week in years, and not really working at all since I first came to visit Newport in June, but it's time to get my butt back in gear. I have too many bills to pay.
Speaking of money, thanks to you know who, who sent me 'dinner money'.... you know who you are. It was unexpected, and much appreciated. Also thanks to Matt who bought me big ol' Carhartt Overalls. They weren't cheap, but he didn't want me to freeze my ass off outside. On top of everything he's done for me, that was the greatest gesture.
Went to see Rent yesterday afternoon. I wasn't really into it. I'm not into rock much, and I didn't thing that the leads voices were all that great. But I did go with a friend who recently, ( I think, three of four months ago) lost his partner of many years to AIDS, and I sure didn't know that's what half of the movie was going to be about. It was difficult for him to get through, and anyone close to me knows that I don't deal well with peoples emotions. AT ALL. So, I was not very good company for him. Ugh, sorry bud (yes he reads this) maybe someday when I learn to cry myself I'll deal with it better, but ask Matt, he'll tell you I yell at him when he gets upset....
I am just trying to look on the positive side of life all the time, and jeez, I've rarely had to deal with death, only in the family, and it's usually great Aunts/Uncles, Grandparents, etc, who you are often aware that, in their old age, they may not be around long. It's tough on everyone, but I aparntly have a wall around that part of my emotions.
The Mayor of Spokane was recalled, as I am sure you are all aware of, I understand it's national news. He refuses to leave office until his last day on Dec. 16th. Sad, mister, just get over it, and get out. He's tarnished his reputation for life, but I don't think he understands that.
On a complete other note.... Anyone want to burn some Christmas CD's for me? If I have to listen to any more Barbara or Celene I'm going to shoot myself. Anything is good. If you don't mind, contact me at I'll send my P.O.Box.
To whomever sent those two CD's from St.Louis ( with a return address on it that, we'll just say, the residents of that place would have known that that address was incorrect, so nice try) thanks. I've always loved the Chipmunks Christmas, but you can really only ever listen to that once or twice during a season.
I'll be staying in Newport for the Holidays. Some night I may get into that, for those of you who don't know what the reasoning is. But it's funny how many people think that I will be miserable up here alone. I broke down and joined a Thanksgiving feast, but I won't be crashing a Chrismas feast. The best Christmas I could have, will be out hiking this country up here. I think it's obvious that there's enough here to keep me happy for a long time coming. Christmas has become so comercialized, it's disgusting. It's also obviously become a holiday of Gift Giving and making people feel guilty for not getting gifts, or good enough gifts. The obligation is disgusting. So, I am not buying gifts this year, nor will I be recieving them. I am going to prove, at least to myself, and maybe a few others, that Christmas can be enjoyed without all of the hype, drama, guilt, and dissappointment. I have all I need. And someday maybe the world will realize that Christmas doesn't need to begin in Mid-October, and everyone will get fed up with it, and go back to enjoying Christmas the way it used to be. But I doubt it.
I have to get ready for work. Please, if you comment on the Blog, identify yourself, and where you are from. It's interesting to me to see how far away this blog is read, and I'm sad when I can't figure out who has taken the time to comment, but doesn't want me to know who they are.

Have a great week everyone.
We are glad to see/here that you are doing well and wish you a happy holiday. It would be great to spend Christmas the way that you will be.
Been reading your posts and look forward to new ones.
Peace out!
Gina, Don, Delany and Lexxus
Hey Ron,
Glad things are getting better. No more dry pop-tarts, huh.
Hi Ron,
I think you know where the CD's came from. Sorry, you mentioned White Christmas and that was the first one I found. Used the address because I knew you wouldn't open them if you knew the right address. Did you get the cards?
I hope your holiday, will be all that you want it to be. You will be missed, but only what your happiness, isn't that what Christmas is all about? Merry Christmas, Mary L.
Hi Cousin,
Looks like you didn't make it home for Xmas. Bet you broke some hearts there. Got your card - you wrote plenty - hope your wrist is better. So, what type of music CDs are you looking for? Western? We've got lots of that. Jim has been downloading songs and now he THINKS he is all that! He would love to help you update your CD collection. Don't forget we are here if you need anything - ever. You know we love you. Take care.
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