Well, let's talk about that job. Within three hours of starting, I wrenched my back.... Having to lean over a three foot tall converyor belt, while grabbing hundreds of 2x4's per minute, and flipping them side by side on another converyor belt, just before they head into a saw not only hurt my back terribly, but I screwed up my wrist pretty bad too.... by the end of the night, I was not even able to use my fingers. On Wednesday, my car broke down, so that was my saving grace to loosing my new job. I was so embarrased that I was not able to handle it, but my body just couldn't keep up. It took several days for my back to recover, but my wrist has become progressively worse. So, for those of you recieving Christmas cards from me... they're really short, since it hurts to write. My friend Nick said I'm a wuss... but, I beg to differ. So, it's back to the drawing board, which is upsetting, since I really wanted to work in a mill. But the hard-core/fast-paced work loads are more than I can handle. It's not worth $9/hr to walk away so hurt. I thought that if I hung in there, I would be able to withstand the pain, and my body would adjust, but that just didn't work out well.
So, the Jeep, it needed a new starter. Thanks to my sister I had triple A so they towed it to the local shop where several cheaper options for starters were used, aka rebuilt ones, but for some reason they didn't fit. so I ended up with a new one, and they barely charged me for the labor. I think $35, if I'm correct. But the new starter set me back a bit more than the rebuilt one would have.
Work is still interesting at Dempseys. I'll post more pics just for the heck of it. It's fun to take the camera to work, I've found. It's just not right that men look this good as women. ....... .....

I also went back up to Rim Rock, Which is the park that overlooks Seattle. It's so peaceful there. I love it. The snow that you see (it's the picture on the top of this post.....), which is still everywhere is from the fall, several weeks ago. It's been cold enough to keep from melting the wonderfuly covered land.
I don't really have much else to say. It's been snowing briefly here tonight...... I love walking down to the river, and listening to the silence. It's entrancing.
If I don't get around to posting more for Christmas, please have a safe and wonderful Christmas, and a very VERY Happy New Year. I don't know that I have any resolutions to post, only because it's been such an eventful year, that I don't know that I can promise to do much more than I am already working on.
So, how does it go??? Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night.........
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