Sunday, February 12, 2006

Catching Back up.....

I've been having a lot of trouble with the blog, it hasn't wanted to let me upload pictures. But, finally, today, I seem to be able to.
This is from Last Sunday's drive with my bud, Matt who visited from St.Louis. We had to keep stopping to snap shots of the sunset, with every second, and every turn, the view was breath-taking. This is from the East side of the Pend Oreille river, looking northwest.

Sorry for the blurry photo, but here's a close-up of the two horses in the shadow of the sunset above. I don't know what they are, but they're huge, fascinating, and beautiful.

This is on the East hillside over the Pend Oreille River, looking west

Below is looking down river, or is it up river? The Pend Oreille flows North into Canada, not south as would be expected. This is looking North, from the bridge into Idaho. If you read early posts, that island is the one I kayaked to near the campground.

This photo below is something very special. This will hopefully soon be Joey's new home. A quiet, serene place where you can become one with nature, sit in silence for hours on end, hear nothing related to modern society. Once a guy I knew told me that at night, from his house, you could hear the coyotes calling out. He described it as the sounds of women screaming. Here, you can hear the coyotes screaming. It's a sound that sends shivers running down your spine.


Anonymous said...

Your pictures take a person's breath away. It's hard to believe there is a place so heavenly. You really got some beautiful shots.
By the way Happy Valintine's Day.

Anonymous said...

The horses are awesome. Check out this web site. They are Belgium Draft horses.