All I know is that this guy was rescued. There wasn't any information on him, but he's a beautiful young deer.

But the real surprise was this BIG girl!!!
This is Lilly, a six year old Bengal Tiger who was smuggled into the country, and declawed as a baby.
Here's a little word from the Owners......
Nobody knows better than we that an animal like Lilly belongs in the wild. Unfortunately, greedy poachers ruled out that possibility for her when she was just a cub. Now we must do all we can to make her life as good and meaningful as possible.
A year ago she tested positive for Feline Immune Deficiency Syndrome, (AIDS in a Cat) But now a year later, after great, loving care, she tests negative. One of our main goals this last year was to make sure she was very healthy and happy as stress could have pushed the Aids to progression.
We find it extremely humorous, when customers observe her for five minutes and make remarks like; “She’s not happy, she wants out, she’s depressed”. To say it as plain as possible, these people have NO IDEA what she thinks feels or wants. After being with her for six years, day after day, we know her better than anyone else, and she LOVES it here. She doesn’t want out of her pen because it’s hers and she feels safe and secure in it. She LOVES people and all the attention she receives. When no one is looking at her she lays down, but when some one comes by she paces, because she wants attention. We wish we could allow everyone to have contact with her because that’s what she wants. Unfortunately, Federal Law prohibits that.
We are grateful for all of Lilly’s friends who have generously donated for her care. She really loves her new home.
It seemed that Lilly didn't much care for my camera. I'm used to a cat hissing, but I had to jump back when she hissed at me, WOW! What a mouth on that girl.
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