Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Part 1 - Mom and I , Seattle or bust!!!

Mom and I just before we left (Feb.1?) on our quick weekend trip to Leavenworth, then on to Seattle, so she could see some real mountains.

A bad day for sightseeing at the Columbia River Gorge... But we took a walk on over so she could get the idea, and Holly could get a walk in....

A stop along the way. To look at the ice crystals.... silly? You decide.

I personally was fascinated.

From Ellensburg, North to Leavenworth.

I'm not perfectly clear on the name of the town.... But this is the enterance to Liberty?

Take a good look at the base of the trees, this area is dammed off by a beaver dam.....

Some serious Beaver gnawing goin on here....

Walls of Ice along the way....

Nothing can describe the shear size of these cicles....

Mom and I finally make it to leavenworth.... Christmas Lights still glowing....

Dinner at a Bavarian Restaurant... Mom's clapping to the sound of the Acordian Player, Vern....

Meet Vern!
Mom took this pic, so there would be proof that she wasn't the only one enjoying the music....

(they were the only two.....LOL)

After dinner, a stroll through the streets....

We had breakfast the next morning from this bakery.

I walked here from our Motel, early in the morning, cool crisp air...

Shop owners outside sweeping their walkways, greeting the early risers....

The way a town should be.

Then on to the Motel.....

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