Monday, August 14, 2006


Well, if you read up on Monday's adventure... this is what I was looking for. This is Mystic Lake, set high up in the mountians, just a few miles from home. Hidden back in the trees, I drove right by it, until I cleared some trees, and there it was.... I couldn't wait to get a better view.
Imagine, pulling around the corner on an old dirt road, and seeing this. The mountains in the background are obscured by smoke from wildfires raging all over Washington, but I've mapped out some of what you're lookin at, from over the ridge... see below.
From atop the ridge, to my back is Mystic Lake, and this is the view in front. Anyone that visits MUST see this specatcular view.

Truth be known, I heard that this is the last place I would want to swim. Four Meth labs were found floating on the water here, before the authorities cold get to them, they were dumped in teh water... so the chemicals are probably still around... But that's also coming from my hypochondriac friend.... :-)

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