Thursday, December 08, 2005

Quit yer Bitchin' .....

For those of you who feel that life sucks, or that it's too cold where you live, READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, after spending the night in Spokane because I had to drive an acquaintance home that was trashed, and had to spend the night on his couch (OK, it was a beautiful, incredible house, and yes, leather couch, but shortened my plans for the evening) I came home this afternoon, for an hour or so, before going to take a drug test for the job that I was going to start tomorrow, (Friday) and the 38 year old lock on my Airstream broke.

So, after trying to dis-assemble it, and failing, I had to remove the screen, crawl out the window, and pry the door open. I tried to rebuild the lock, with no luck. So, it's almost ZERO degrees in Newport, and I can not close my door.... Get it. If you think life sucks... come stay with me... I still think this is funny as hell, and I will offer you lessons in how to blow off the sucky things in life.

I have more to post tomorrow, since I"m not starting that job, since I was stuck in my Airstream....LOL... See you soon.



Anonymous said...

Hey Amigo, sorry for the crappy day you had. In PHX AZ I'm in swimtrunks and sandles. Bummer, huh.

Axel said...

Sorry about your lock. That sucks. It's cold enough here in Spokane, I know it's much colder in Newport. Stay warm, dude.